Genesis 19:26 26But his wife looked back from behind him and she became a pillar of salt. I have been traveling this week on an extended road trip. Let me say that I am grateful and truly blessed for all your prayers and phone calls. I traveled to New Jersey, Virginia, and North Carolina this passed week. God blessed me to arrive at each of my destinations on time and safely. Along the way, I noticed one thing when I was driving. I always had to keep my eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead of me. I was aware of the traffic behind me through my rear view mirror. I was aware of the traffic around me through my side view mirrors but for the most part my eyes were fixed on the road ahead. So often times in life we look back on our past, we look back on “what was” instead of what is or what could be through Christ. God promises us that He will never leave or never forsake us. God is with us in the good times and through the bad times. He is here today, and he will be there tomorrow and will ...
WEEKLY Christian Meditations by Dr. Michael L. Hargett, Sr. PhD - Servant Leader ETERNAL LIFE FELLOWSHIP GLOBAL NETWORK.