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Showing posts from September 30, 2007

What Are You Thinking?

ROMANS 12:2 “Every temptation begins with a thought. So does every act of goodness. Paul said, "Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think." Have you ever heard some say that the most important things in life are the thoughts you choose to think? In many cases, one decision stands between you and a better life. The solution to most of our problems is only one decision away, but making this single decision is sometimes the hardest thing to do. If this is true, then the most important decision you'll make today is what to think about. You can think thoughts of faith or thoughts of doubt, thoughts of hope or thoughts of despair, thoughts of love or thoughts of hate. These thoughts will find their way into your words and your actions as the day wears on. Thoughts should be tested before they're transmitted, if our thoughts taste unkind, critical or unfair, we should refuse to release them into the dangerous world of words. What are you thinking?...