“ON LEVEL GROUND” MONDAY, MAY 04, 2009 Psalm 27:11 "Teach me your way, O Lord, and lead me on a level path." Ever fell like life is just an up hill battle? Do you feel like you are always climbing and clawing your way up to where you want to be? Perhaps you should take a moment and allow God to get you there. Allow God to teach you His way through His word. God teaches us to be more in his light through his word. It levels the hills and valleys. Better yet! It levels the playing field. Understanding God’s word gives you an inner strength and confidence that gives strength in the face of adversity. You will continue to face challenges but the in a different light! God will lead you on a level path in every aspect of your life. In your finances, in your relationships, in your employment, in your prayer life… Everything! How does one study God’s word? I always encourage people to read Matthew and John in the New Testament first. It puts things in pr...
WEEKLY Christian Meditations by Dr. Michael L. Hargett, Sr. PhD - Servant Leader ETERNAL LIFE FELLOWSHIP GLOBAL NETWORK.