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Happy Thanksgiving!

1 Timothy 4:4
For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with Thanksgiving.

Giving honor to God, and to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Spirit; our comforter and guide. To my Pastors, Gary and Patricia Stern, and to each and every one of you! God bless you this morning!

I have so much to be thankful for this year! God has truly blessed this house and all that dwell here. I give thanks to God for my spiritual life and for the material blessings, and for the growth I have had in his word this year. Lord-God I give you thanks for the special blessing you gave to me for directing me to be under two strong Pastors which are teaching me and allowing me to do your will unimpeded. I give thanks to God for my family’s good health and for their love. But more importantly I give God thanks for His mercy, love, and forgiveness which strengthened me through my personal health crisis.

I believe that each day is a day of Thanksgiving. Each new day gives each of us the opportunity to praise and worship God. We are free to give Him thanks for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us. God continues to bless us and on this Thanksgiving Day we have an opportunity to make a fresh start, for this is a day that the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it and for it! We should begin each day with prayer because each day is a new beginning with its own opportunities. Right now, at this very moment, we are in the presence of a mighty and merciful, God has given each of us the possibility of making a new start in our lives.

Seasons come and go, but God's presence is forever faithful. No moment from the past can cloud the vision that God has for us. With God, all things truly are possible, and we must trust in God to guide us into a new and prosperous way of living our lives. We must first share our dreams and goals with God in prayer, and then allow His divine wisdom to define how our personal goals and dreams will uplift His kingdom. God has provided us with all that we will ever need to live our lives in the way that He has destined for us. We are free to learn, and we are free to teach, and we are free to love one another and to be loved by God. We are free to live meaningful lives for God and to add meaning to the lives of others that they may see the light that God has placed in us and join His kingdom. God’s love, mercy, power and grace have no limitations.

Beginning each day with prayer and giving thanks will set the tone for your entire day. Whether going to work, relaxing at home, or spending time with family or friends, starting today each day with prayer reminds us that God is the source of all blessings in our lives. On this Thanksgiving Day, do not loose focus that everything we have in our lives is from God. The challenge for us is to let go of the flesh and let go of perceptions that we have formed about the things that hinder our relationship with God. Each of us should be thankful for blessings in our lives. The big blessings and the small blessings, I give thanks! I give thanks for the expected blessings and I give thanks to God for unexpected blessings as well. What blessing has God given you this morning? If you are reading this, then perhaps you should be thanking Him for just giving you life for one more day. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone! AMEN.

By: Elder Michael L. Hargett
© November 2007 - MinTech, Inc.

You can also listen to Peace of God Outreach Ministries live radio Sunday School broadcast featuring Pastors Gary and Patricia Stern every Sunday Morning on the world wide web at from 6:30 AM to 8:30AM (CST) that is 7:30AM to 9:30AM (EST).

This Sunday morning November 25, 2007 Elder Michael L. Hargett and Deacon Thomas Frazier will be the hosts for the Peace of God Outreach Ministries live radio Sunday School broadcast.


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