Luke 24:47
And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
A friend of mine back in Virginia recently asked me why Christian folk are such hypocrites? Her co-worker who constantly preaches to her, and then she observes him in a constant state of sin. Lying, cheating, and steeling everyday. They work for a not for profit company and do a great deal of fund raising and phone solicitations. Her follow-up question to me was, “How can this guy preach and speak of God to the people we are calling while in the same breath he is lying to them about the company’s need for money?”
My answer to her was that she does not see him in his prayer closest and perhaps he repents. Her next question to me was “Doesn’t God get sick and tired of fake repentance?” This question blew my mind. She put something in my spirit that I just had to take to God in prayer. God how much is enough for you? Where do you draw the line?
Her question stayed in my spirit and I began to search the scripture for God’s answer. I used my concordance, probed the old and new testament and God gave me the answer… True repentance is a three stage personal action. First you must have a complete a change of mindset. You have to make up in your mind and in your heart that something inside of you must change, and through prayer and fasting you begin to make those changes. Secondly, there must be a sincere realization of committing sin. Many of us try to justify our actions and behavior. But does the end justify the means. We must understand that whatever is being done outside the word and will of God is sin. And we can not hide sin from God. And finally, there must be a deep seated and complete turning from one’s self to God, In other words a complete confession to God.
You can not have repentance without confession! My Senior Pastor Dr. Gary Stern confirmed this yesterday during his sermon. (I received it Pastor!) Nonetheless, because Jesus stands in the gap for us God receives repentance when it is decent and in order. You can mumble the words but if there is no change of heart, no realization of sin, and no confession, God is not receiving that repentance at all. Let me illustrate it this way… No one is truly in repentance that if in their heart they are ready to go back to sin and whatever they were doing in the first place. If there is no change of the heart one has never truly repented and is still living a sinful life. Remember the wages of sin is death!
Here is another case where we have a brother that could be a blessing to this sister. She is a babe in Christ and she has a strong faith but she has had some “church hurt” And perhaps God’s only purpose for this brother is to strengthen her in the Lord. But rather than bringing her closer to the cross he is chasing her away.
For me, I am grateful that God has a way of brining things to me and I never know who or what it may come from. This time it was for me her question was for me to have a better understanding of true repentance and I just thank God for how he is using me. How is God using you? In the mighty name of Jesus… Amen!
By: Elder Michael L. Hargett
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